Buttocks Feminization
for Males

Who request it ?
Bottom Gays
Gen Z and Millenials
Latinization of the hip dip or external concavity
Lifting of the Infra Gluteal Area under the banana fold ( for males wearing jeans cut for females)
Enlargement or Widening of the Intergluteal cleft
- These 3 techniques are rarely used together on the same male patient.
- Most often, only one of these 3 techniques is used
Latinization of the Male Butts
This involves reducing the external concavity of the hip dip, both during contraction and relaxation.
The tensors of the concave external squares (area normally prohibited for males) must all be oriented outwards
Therefore by also creating a widening of the gluteal area, it will be necessary to increase the projection of the buttock as a whole
Additional tensors looking at the maximum projection point with more quantity of product will therefore be necessary
The most important additional tensor looking at the maximum point of projection will be vertical with a quantity of at least 0.5ml
2 additional lateral tensors must be oblique upwards centripetal towards the point of maximum projection, with a quantity of at least 0.3ml each
Latinization of the Male Butts

the external column has to be treated in such case with tensors ( green arrows) oriented outwards.
Latinization of the Male Butts

The projection in any case of latinisation has to be overprojected as seen with the added main tensor ( vertical thick green arrow ) looking towards the maximum point of projection.
Result of the Latinization of the Male Butts

- At contraction, the right butt treated has no more external concavity or hip dip
- With latinization, and over projected point of maximum projection, the result is there including too a lifting of the infra gluteal fold.
- The area below the banana fold has not been treated
- The widening of the intergluteal cleft has not been treated
Result of the Latinization of the Male Butts with Jeans

- the right butt treated has no external concavity or hip dip
- With latinization, and over projected point of maximum projection, the result is there including too a lifting of the infra gluteal fold.( compare the 2 sides of the bottom of the jeans pocket.
Latinization of Male Butts at relaxation

- With latinization, and over projected point of maximum projection, the result is there including too a lifting of the infra gluteal fold.( compare the 2 sides of the bottom of the jeans pocket.)
- There is no more external concavity
- The butts are more projected
Latinization of Male Butts at Contraction

- Butts are more projected
- With latinization, the external concavities look straight or lightly convexe.
Lifting of the Infra Gluteal Area
Pockets bottom above the banana fold

- This jeans is for males, even if the bottom of the pockets is above the banana fold
- It s fashion ( Karl Lagerfeld) .
- The physician endopeel expert has always to treat the patient in function of the fashions wear used by the patient.
- In such case , the lifting of the infra gluteal area is wished by the patient and proposed by the physician.
Enlargement or widening the intergluteal cleft