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Most Copies of medicines are produced in hispanic countries as in Turkey.

Can lead to death by extensive necrosis and septicemia

Argentinians are leaders to produce dangerous copies leading to irreversible complications and even deaths .

Unfortunately killing people in south america,especially in argentina is not taken seriously as in USA or western european countries .

Even specialists like local plastic surgeons or dermatologists loose their ethics to buy cheap products as they think complications will happen only to their colleagues and not for them !

spanish copy of medicine

The Spanish Copy

Unsatisfied Patients, Not effective with Side Effects

Mixing in quantity ingredients without any chemistry background and absence of basic knowledge of manufacturing process can be only dangerous .

Some physicians working in Spain ask their pharmacy ( especially in Valencia) to produce such ,,copies,, and some disasters have been noticed and reported as dermatopathies,big edema,big pain and of course absence of results .

Necrosis have been reported too but are hidden by those spanish MD using copies as their pharmacies.

It is too well known that cuban MD working in Alicante and Madrid are even selling argentinian copies to their colleagues of Latin America letting them do disasters, earning money without ethics .

There are actually 2 turkish copies in Turkey bought not only by Turkish but too by Libyan MD and/or even by  cosmetologists !

Take a look at the irreversible disasters created by such copies .