The ,,horizontal ,, Red Line

the 2 nd cosmetic criter
The distance between the inferior point of the pre sacral triangle and the upper point of the infra gluteal losange has to be as short as possible

The red horizontal line is a line drawn with a red pen , horizontal beginning at the inferior point of the pre sacral triangle.
In such case , it s easy to understand that for not increasing the distance between the inferior point of the pre sacral triangle and the upper point of the infra gluteal losange, we should
- never lift the gluteal area above the red line

Remember the 2 Cosmetic Criters for a nice Gluteoplasty
1. The point of maximum projection
2. The horizontal line
- The more the patient will be treated with Endopeel for Gluteoplasty, lower will be the point of maximum projection.
- Mostly sportsmen as sportswomen have their point of maximum projection UNDER the red line, which shows more attractive butt
- Less attractive are butts on patients having their point of maximum projection ABOVE the red line
Authentic Tradition
Why is the horizontal line so much important ?
- above it, NEVER LIFT
- under it, LIFT and tighten or LIFT and enlarge ( latinization, female north africanisation, Brazilian Butt Lift ...)
Tensors above the red line are all horizontal
Tensors below the red line are vertical or oblique towards up