Marking the Inferior Point
the Pre Sacral Triangle
the Pre Sacral Triangle
The Inferior Point of the Pre Sacral Triangle
in red at the bottom of the triangle ( area 1)
The pre sacral space is inside the pelvis,behind the rectum and in front of the coccyx and sacrum.
The Limits of the Pre Sacral Triangle
- The 2 upper lateral points correspond to the postero superior iliac spines ( in green)
- The inferior point of the pre sacral triangle corresponds to the apex of the sacral triangle (in red)
Finding the inferior point of the pre sacral triangle by inspection
On the upper part of the inter gluteal cleft,at the intersection between the superficial cleft and the deep cleft .
confirmation of the inferior point of the pre sacral triangle
By Palpation
Use the 5 th finger to find by palpation the bony inferior point of the pre sacral triangle which corresponds to the coccyx
Aesthetic Importance
the Pre Sacral Triangle
the Pre Sacral Triangle
the distance infragluteal losange-inferior point of the pre sacral triangle has to be as short as possible

That s why tensors above red line have to be only horizontal and never oblique or vertical